Top Rated Cigars
Premium Cigars - This Year's Top Rated Cigar Picks!
There is something seductive and calming about smoking a great premium cigar. This year's top rated cigars set the standard for flavorful tobacco, high quality craftsmanship and all-round performance. These are the cigars that cigar enthusaists yearn to get their hands and savor until the last draw.
1) Padron Serie 1926 No. 35 (Maduro) - Padron offers the 1926 serie in four sizes in sun-grown natural and maduro type wrappers. The tobacco used in the 1926 serie is aged for a five full years. The tobacco is refined and blended to develop an extraordinarily smooth, complex, yet balanced and full flavored. This line offers the highest quality and exceptional value.
2) Diamond Crown Robusto No. 3 - This exquisite cigar is hand made by Tabacalera A. Fuente. This cigar is wrapped with the finest grade double fermented Connecticut shade tobacco. This cigar carries a silky soft feel and smooth on the palate. Its high price brings you a meticulous construction, and a extremely creamy rich in flavor.
3) Padilla 1932 Robusto - This cigar was created by Jose Garcia and is manufactured in the "Little Havana" section of Miami, Florida in the factory El Rey de los Habanos. This cigar has a very distinct aroma with a strong body. If this is the type of cigar you like, the Padilla 1932 should have a designated place in your humidor. The Padilla 1932 is known to be one of the most full flavored cigars on the market.
4 ) Arturo Fuente Anejo Reserva Shark No. 77 - This cigar's wrapper carries a dark shade and slightly oily to the touch. Its partially round and carefully pressed. When lit, the the draw is beautiful. The No. 77 emits a woody and leathery aroma coupled with a distinctive spicy finish. This cigar boasts a rich full-flavored body enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts world-wide.
5) Graycliff Chateau Gran Cru - Graycliff has a reputation of doing "the unexpected". They began creating super premium cigars during the tail end of the cigar boom in 1998. They have recently added a twist to their name after launching the Chateau Gran Cru line of cigars. The Gran Cru line may be what we believe to be the most flavorful and complex smoke that has come out of the Graycliff factory to date. The spicy flavor signature has been retired and replaced with a combination of complex earthy flavors blended with a floral and grassy aroma creating the greatest smoking experience.
Premium cigars are indeed fabulous this year. These favorites are just some of the many pleasures masterfully created by top tobacco companies. So, go ahead! Experiment with some new cigars and you will be sure to find a new premium favorite.